Articles about Development

Terms of Use Modal Z-Index

A Guide to Z-Index: Challenges and Solutions

Z-index is a CSS property of an element that determines its position relative to other elements on the Z-axis. It applies only to elements with `absolute`, `fixed`, `sticky` or `relative` position (respectively, if the position property is not set to one of these values, adding z-index doesn’t affect the position of an element).

Why Updating Your Software is a Must

Why Updating Your Software is a Must

Another update? What? Aren't those pop-up upgrade requests downright annoying? In the 21st century, we can't spare a minute for a smartphone OS update, much less an hour for software updates. Some people ignore these updates because they are frustrating. They change the interface and make you learn how to use the software all over again. Or, even worse, they don't seem to do anything at all!

How to Use Recompose to Streamline React Development

How to Use Recompose to Streamline React Development

It's pretty exciting to observe how DRY coding tools in React were changing over time. And we must give credit to the developers - at no stage in the development of this library were any recommendations to use inheritance to solve such problems. In the early versions of React and React.createClass, there were mixins that were simple JavaScript objects.

 Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

9 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

There is no doubt that the IT industry has taken over as one of the most productive industries. And more than half of the jobs in the IT field require good programming knowledge. The demand for developers has skyrocketed recently as every company tends to rely on software tools, and this has also lead to an increase in the online learning platforms.

How to Verify Users' Passwords Using the Android KeyStore

How to Verify Users' Passwords Using the Android KeyStore

Everybody knows that security is a very important issue for users and therefore developers should take a proper care of it. There are many posts about Android security in the Internet - some them explain difference between cryptography algorithms, others are dedicated to basics of Android security. In this post I will spotlight a single use case Android developers may face in their work.

Insights for Entrepreneurs Who Are Going To Build a New POS System

Insights for Entrepreneurs Who Are Going To Build a New POS System

A POS system is a very important component in a business but it may not useful if it is out-of-date. How do you know that it is time to upgrade or acquire a new POS system? The first thing you will notice is that your system will become slow or it may even become unresponsive to commands. You may also find that the system has an outdated payment processing, outdated hardware, and limited integration capabilities.

How to Pre-populate Android Room Database on First App Launch

How to Pre-populate Android Room Database on First App Launch

Sometimes we need an application to be prefilled with some data on its first launch. Usually, we would make a REST query and receive the data from backend, but our application is standalone so that the only data source we have is our apk file. In this article I will describe a recipe how to prepopulate Room database with a small data set and how to do it with a few simple steps.

Do You Know How Hash Table Works? (Ruby Examples)

Do You Know How Hash Table Works? (Ruby Examples)

Hash table is a data structure that stores data in key-value pairs. It is also named as a dictionary or associative array. It stores data in a way that enables lookup and insertion in constant O(1) time. These properties of a hash make it one of the most useful data structures in a programmer's toolbox. The main question is where does this speed come from and how does it work?

How to Leverage the Project Management Triangle

How to Leverage the Project Management Triangle

Being the project manager at a software development company, I often deal with the requests like "I want to do this app for a fixed price, can you do it?" or "Could you tell me a precise cost of my project?". Moreover, clients asking these questions may have just a brief idea of what they want to implement and they may not be sure about all the details, however, they need the answer.

A Timeline of Everything We Know About Web Development (So You Can Understand the News)

A Timeline of Everything We Know About Web Development

Web development is a long and storied process. From the Internet's humblest of beginnings in the 1960s as a US Department of Defense project to its existence today as the ultimate communications tool, web developers have been there every step of the way, innovating and thinking up new and interesting ways to apply technology to our lives.

Big Data - The Perfect Aid for Mobile App Development

Big Data - The Perfect Aid for Mobile App Development

Smartphones and smart devices have simplified our daily tasks manifolds. They have become an indispensable part of our lives. Today, we just cannot imagine a single day without these devices. We no longer need to head out for purchasing things or for searching a conveyance, we have apps that can help us with most of the imaginable things.