Articles about Trends

10 Ways to Help Anxious Students with eLearning

How eLearning Helps Students With Anxiety

Anxiety is a very broad term that can be defined in many different ways. According to the definition at, anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses, which cause overwhelming and constant fear and worry. All anxiety disorders can and will interfere with the learning process.

 Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

9 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

There is no doubt that the IT industry has taken over as one of the most productive industries. And more than half of the jobs in the IT field require good programming knowledge. The demand for developers has skyrocketed recently as every company tends to rely on software tools, and this has also lead to an increase in the online learning platforms.

How Progressive Web Applications are Changing the Mobile Industry

How Progressive Web Applications are Changing the Mobile Industry

Global web giants Google, Apple and Microsoft work towards the expansion of progressive web apps. Gartner predicts that 50% of all native apps will be replaced by PWAs. It is, of course, too early to talk about the full replacement of mobile applications with progressive ones, however, PWAs already enable businesses to gain success within the mobile area.

How Technology Changed the Way We Celebrate the Holidays

How Technology Changed the Way We Celebrate the Holidays

Over the years, technology has drastically changed the way we have lived our lives. There is no denying that the modern world is exorbitantly different from the world just 100 years ago. We are currently living in an era that is overwhelmed with technology to make daily living easier, and holidays are not an exception.

How the Next Generation of Healthcare Tech is Shaping Proactive Treatment

How New Healthcare Tech is Shaping Proactive Treatment

Digital technology and innovation are radically changing healthcare. From research and development to new treatments, apps, platforms and wearables and having a profound impact. Search engines and social networks are also changing the ways patients seek out information and treatments, even if that means going abroad for a cure. Healthcare needs to keep innovating.

Data Strategy for Digital Transformation in the Medical Industry

Data Strategy for Digital Transformation in the Medical Industry

As technology blurs the line between digital and physical medical care, private practices and doctors must start using technology to promote the intimate connection necessary in doctor-patient relationships. In 2017, more than 95% of non-federal acute care hospitals used information technology for health care. Technology in medicine is widespread and growing, redefining how we think about healthcare.

Hottest Trends in Travel App Development

Hottest Trends in Travel App Development

Whether it's innovative approaches to loyalty schemes, or procrastination-inducing, brain-numbingly addictive games, the different types of apps promising to enhance our lives in one way or another is staggering. Travel apps are more popular now than ever. Tnooz conducted a study that found that 60% of mobile users have now downloaded and used a travel-related smartphone app.

Ecommerce Mobile App Trends 2017: New Opportunities for the Market

Ecommerce Mobile App Trends 2017: New Opportunities for the Market

Have you thought that just 20 years ago there were no smartphones? The web industry was focused on purely PC and laptop users. The emergence and rapid spread of smartphones have dramatically changed not only our daily lives but also the online industry. To date, more than half the world uses smartphones and the volume of mobile and tablet traffic surpasses the volume of desktop traffic.