Anadea Blog

Digital Transformation in Education

Digital Transformation in Education

Higher education and the nature of universities is changing and will continue to change for the next decade. Twenty years ago, 'digital' was not a major concern for universities. Although the World Wide Web started as an academic endeavor, universities were slow to catchup with a global digital transformation.

Must Have Features to Build a Localized Real Estate App

Must Have Features to Build a Localized Real Estate App

Keep up with changes and news on your local real estate market, do paperwork, schedule meetings with clients, update information about your listings, figure out how to differ from competitors, keep a database of leads... On top of that, you understand that having an app is a necessity for your local real estate business, and there is simply no time to address the issue. Looks familiar to you?

Terms of Use Modal Z-Index

A Guide to Z-Index: Challenges and Solutions

Z-index is a CSS property of an element that determines its position relative to other elements on the Z-axis. It applies only to elements with `absolute`, `fixed`, `sticky` or `relative` position (respectively, if the position property is not set to one of these values, adding z-index doesn’t affect the position of an element).

Localizing Medical Management Software

Localizing Medical Management Software

Medical software localization is a delicate task. It's not something that can be delegated to just anyone who knows basic translation or someone fluent in the source and target languages. Mistakes can create inefficiencies or lead to serious consequences. It needs meticulous attention to details and a thoughtfully planned process.

10 Ways to Help Anxious Students with eLearning

How eLearning Helps Students With Anxiety

Anxiety is a very broad term that can be defined in many different ways. According to the definition at, anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses, which cause overwhelming and constant fear and worry. All anxiety disorders can and will interfere with the learning process.

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