Anadea Blog

Why Updating Your Software is a Must

Why Updating Your Software is a Must

Another update? What? Aren't those pop-up upgrade requests downright annoying? In the 21st century, we can't spare a minute for a smartphone OS update, much less an hour for software updates. Some people ignore these updates because they are frustrating. They change the interface and make you learn how to use the software all over again. Or, even worse, they don't seem to do anything at all!

How to Use Recompose to Streamline React Development

How to Use Recompose to Streamline React Development

It's pretty exciting to observe how DRY coding tools in React were changing over time. And we must give credit to the developers - at no stage in the development of this library were any recommendations to use inheritance to solve such problems. In the early versions of React and React.createClass, there were mixins that were simple JavaScript objects.

Sticky Navigation: Is it Worth It?

Sticky Navigation: Is it Worth It?

Web design trends rise and fall like waves in the sea of time. Beneath this attempt at poesy is an undeniable fact. Sure, some best practices, such as responsive design, seem like they're here to stay, but many will hit the curb in a year or two, if they haven't yet. Sticky navigation has been around for a while, but it's expected to become big this year. Should you incorporate it into your site? It depends.

Chatbots In Healthcare Industry: a New Remedy for Old Problems

Chatbots In Healthcare Industry: a New Remedy for Old Problems

Modern medicine is technological medicine. Health institutions are moving from analog to digital, mastering computer analysis and forecasting systems. Technologies in healthcare are not only the latest medical equipment but also industry-specific software that automates work processes. One of the promising areas is the chatbot application in healthcare.

 Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

9 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

There is no doubt that the IT industry has taken over as one of the most productive industries. And more than half of the jobs in the IT field require good programming knowledge. The demand for developers has skyrocketed recently as every company tends to rely on software tools, and this has also lead to an increase in the online learning platforms.

How Progressive Web Applications are Changing the Mobile Industry

How Progressive Web Applications are Changing the Mobile Industry

Global web giants Google, Apple and Microsoft work towards the expansion of progressive web apps. Gartner predicts that 50% of all native apps will be replaced by PWAs. It is, of course, too early to talk about the full replacement of mobile applications with progressive ones, however, PWAs already enable businesses to gain success within the mobile area.

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