Why Updating Your Software is a Must

Another update? What? Aren’t those pop-up upgrade requests downright annoying? In the 21st century, we can’t spare a minute for a smartphone OS update, much less an hour for software updates.

Some people ignore these updates because they are frustrating. They change the interface and make you learn how to use the software all over again. Or, even worse, they don’t seem to do anything at all!

You spent a precious hour getting an update and nothing changed. Terrible waste of time, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, an update is much more than the developer’s whim. It’s a surgery your software can’t survive without.

Let’s find out why you shouldn’t avoid software updates in 2019.

1. Security issues: beat hackers to the punch

Did you buy your software off the shelf? Hackers did the same thing. They took that same software and inspected it thoroughly to find a tiny loophole, which can spell major troubles for your company.

Whether you are a flower shop or a healthcare provider, you deal with tons of data on a regular basis. As soon as the hackers get their shot at it, you are in for some serious expenses, downtime, and possibly bankruptcy.

While hackers are working hard to find the loophole, the software developers are doing the same. In the majority of cases, the developers win the race. What do they do? Send you an update to close the loophole.

What do you do? We hope you click the “update” button. If not, you may be left unprotected. And yes, you’ll never see what these security updates actually do. Interface and features will stay the same. So don’t blame the developer for wasting your time with an update.

2. New features: getting more than you paid for

Software developers aren’t just looking for security problems. They want to make sure you stay with their program for years. They are working hard to introduce new features to keep their software competitive.

According to software experts from Miropoint, respectable developers work hard to offer new features at least once a year.

These features are free. Why are you saying “no” to them? While you think you are doing fine without them, your competition is taking a smarter approach.

No matter what industry you are in, new trends are probably appearing faster than light. Failing to take advantage of high-quality freebies from the developer can put you a few steps behind the competition.

If the new features are fee-based, you can always say “no” without losing the quality of your existing program.

3. Optimized interface: breaking out of your comfort zone

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt.

So what were you saying about annoying interface changes? You’d rather avoid them, wouldn’t you?

When your round buttons suddenly turn square and the familiar tabs change location, you can go crazy wishing for everything to be the way it used to.

Meanwhile, software developers aren’t looking for a way to frustrate you. They study user reviews and new trends closely to bring you the most optimized interface possible.

It may not seem comfy and familiar to you now. But in a couple of days, you’ll find yourself enjoying it.

If that doesn’t happen quickly, look at it as getting out of your comfort zone. Did you know that according to a study published by Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions by stimulating your brain on a regular basis you could avoid dementia and memory problems in the future?

So the next time you want to swear at the newest interface update, think about the future. The older “you” will tell its younger version “thank you” someday.

4. Improved operation: killing bugs for good

You can never find all the bugs during the testing stage. The little pests can suddenly appear after months of testing. Software developers know this, testing specialists know this, and so do the clients. Or do they? Testing continues long after the software appears on the market. Bugs are being fixed on a regular basis. You may never even know that a bug existed. But only if you are smart enough to get regular updates.

By failing to get an update, you agree to test for bugs on your own. Finding one may be quite unpleasant. It may cost you time and even money. Why would you even consider doing the developers’ job for them?

5. Avoided downtime: save your reputation

Let’s get serious for a moment.

Software problems can be quite costly. Anything from a pesky bug, which forces you to restart the software to a disaster when your files are stolen can ruin your business. For many companies, downtime means losing clients and botching their reputations. Would you risk that just because you don’t have time for a small update?

Another serious problem with software security is client information loss. A hacked database can lead to identity theft cases, which can ruin your company entirely.

When you are dealing with personal information, it’s vital to be as serious as possible about security. It’s downright irresponsible to avoid software updates for personal reasons.

If you don’t feel the gravity of the situation, read a few words about Equifax data breach. The same could happen to you.

Software updates: don’t miss them!

Software experts at Tricension share that updates and upgrades are designed to make your life safer, easier, and more optimized. They won’t make your life worse. Even if Pete from the HR department says he hates the new update, don’t listen. Be smart. Get an update whenever it’s available. It can save you time, money, and reputation.

Don’t miss your software updates and enjoy peace of mind.

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