App for a Smart Medical Device

Software for a smart medical device for people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases that provides a combination of diagnostics, therapy, and remote monitoring of the patient’s condition.


Quick facts about the App for a Smart Medical Device

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    Apple Health Integration

    The app utilizes SMART and FHIR standards for the aggregation of health records

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    Medical Trial

    A medical trial involving patients suffering from respiratory diseases in a medical institution is part of the development of this app

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    Working with peripheral devices via Bluetooth connection

Story Behind

The client contacted the Anadea healthcare software development team before the start of the medical trial phase of the device, as software was required for this phase.

The concept behind this project is the following. The patient uses the device to perform an exercise session in several sets at a specific time. The data from the device is transferred to the smartphone when the patient logs into the mobile application. Data is synchronized with the backend. Therefore, via the admin panel, a medical professional gets access to daily monitoring statistics and can detect critical changes.

A client came to us with an application that he had never seen or interacted with before since the previous team only showed him interface screenshots. Therefore, he rightly had concerns that the device and software might not pass a medical trial. We managed to get the code from the previous team and started work.

Team Effort

Anadea developed the project from scratch. We started with the elaboration of functional and non-functional requirements and the application logic. Based on these requirements, the team created the app design. SPA (Single page application) was chosen as an implementation approach to make front end independent from the back end. It allowed the team to use JS libraries to work on sophisticated graphical components. Thanks to this approach, we ensured this was a time and cost-effective project.

Moreover, to reduce the overhead costs of developing and supporting the application infrastructure, the team decided to use virtualization technologies to run the Node app (for the front-end) in one container, and RoR (serves the API) app a second, to reduce restrictions caused by the number of “physical machines”. This means the app can scale more easily in the future.

We always pay close attention to the product quality and stick to test-driven development and design throughout the entire process. This approach enabled us to build a secure, stable, and user-friendly application.

Main Features

Progress Tracking

The feature aggregates data and presents the patient’s progress in a user-friendly way. Users have access to a training journal, observe an exercise checklist, see goal achievements. This is very effective to keep on constant training.

Autonomous Work

As the data is stored locally on the smartphone, whether or not there is an Internet connection is not a problem. A patient can proceed with the exercises and save results. As the connection is restored, the session results are sent to a physician.

  • Send Session Results

    The training results are automatically sent in a patient’s protocol to a physician, who also monitors the user’s state of health. In case of critical changes, measures to overcome serious health conditions are taken.

  • Monitor Dashboard

    In real-time, the dashboard displays a number of metrics to help a user with the process of the exercises they are asked to do as part of a treatment and post-treatment plan.

  • Telehealth Session

    Sometimes it’s vital for a user to talk to a doctor about their health in real-time, discuss progress, and get additional information. The telehealth feature is what helps a user to get a live consultation.

  • Exercise Session Run Dashboard

    The dashboard shows the device connection status, custom device settings, and exercise set overview for patients, etc.

  • Session History

    Historical data is available and can be accessed with ease to clarify details for diagnostics, therapy, and remote monitoring.

  • Reminders and Notifications

    The app sends reminders and notifications to keep a patient stick to training.


The app is vital for those people who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases such as Parkinson's, asthma, etc. It helps to monitor the patient’s health condition and dynamics during the treatment process. The Anadea team was glad to be a part of this great project.

Services &


Project management

iOS app development

Mobile development


Quality assurance

Technology stack

ReactiveCocoa v.4, Swift

Contact us

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