imagi Edu Coding Learning Platform for Schools

imagi Edu

A cross-platform tool for both educators and young learners, imagi Edu by imagi offers an intuitive approach to learning Python, with beginner-friendly lessons that encourage creativity and teamwork. The highlight? A connection with imagiCharms that sync to a phone or browser through Bluetooth. Execute code on the platform and witness the imagiCharm light up, making the experience even more rewarding.

One Flutter codebase serving three platforms: iOS, Android, and Web

Timely delivery of an MVP version to showcase at a pivotal educational conference

Device Seamless Bluetooth LED charm connectivity via phone, tablet, or browser

Story behind

Founded in Sweden in 2018, imagi began as a visionary initiative with a compelling mission: to ignite and sustain a passion for programming in 8-14-year-olds.

Recognizing the unique requirements for coding programs for children —think vivid demonstrations, relatable examples, and adaptable study materials—the co-founders introduced a whimsical twist: LED charms (imagiCharm) to add a splash of fun to lessons. The result? Overwhelmingly positive feedback from young learners, who delighted in the charms' capacity to bring their code, and even their imaginations, to luminous life.


Jocelyn Saris

Today at 8:02

Elise E

Yesterday at 16:23

Ahmad S

Yesterday at 16:17

Elise E

Yesterday at 16:23

Jocelyn Saris

Today at 8:02

Angel K

Yesterday at 16:16

From its early days, imagi Edu's journey has been marked by thoughtful evolution. Starting with a lean but impactful demonstration to test the waters, the platform for teaching programming online rapidly gained traction—earning both the enthusiastic approval of its target audience and the backing of supportive sponsors.

This fueled a focus on refining core features without losing sight of potential enhancements. All the while, imagi Edu has remained proactive in seeking partnerships and expanding its brand visibility, ensuring a future full of possibilities.

Lightning-fast MVP release

Facing a tight deadline for the MVP, the client envisioned a multi-faceted offering: a gamified mobile and web coding learning platform, a programmable imagiCharm accessory, and an inventive Python curriculum.

Anadea took vision for the web coding platform, transforming provided mockups into an engaging look and feel that would resonate with users. The catch? All this had to come together in a mere three months. We nailed it, meeting the deadline and turning vision into reality!

Main features

Authorization for students and teachers

are in place to provide tailored access to the coding platform's resources.

Classroom management

Users can easily establish and oversee digital classrooms, complete with student enrollment and administrative features.

Lesson creation and administration

A streamlined user interface supports the efficient creation, customization, and delivery of Python coding lessons.

Task monitoring

The platform offers real-time analytics for educators to assess and provide feedback on students' task performance.

Offline class preparation

Unique login credentials can be generated and printed directly from the platform, facilitating a seamless transition between online and offline educational settings.

Device and imagiCharm connectivity

Seamless synchronization between imagiCharms and a variety of end-user devices is enabled, with web browser-based manipulation supported.

Web Bluetooth meets Flutter: A milestone achieved

When it came to implementing web Bluetooth, we found ourselves in tricky waters. Why? Because not all browsers were on board—only Chrome had native support. Yet our mission was broader: make this feature accessible on another browser, Edge. Tackling this challenge with Flutter Web was no small feat, but it's one we've successfully navigated, expanding the app’s capabilities across browsers.

Conference-ready solution

The clock was ticking fast as the client geared up for an impactful teaching conference in London. A delay in their decision-making during the vendor selection phase only added fuel to the fire. But we rallied, pulling together to deliver an MVP that wasn't just on time—it was pitch-perfect! Demoed live in front of an eager audience, the solution met every test with unqualified success. For imagi, it was a triumphant moment, marking not just the demo's success but the product's official launch.

Post-MVP releases

Following the MVP launch, attention pivoted toward finessing the coding app for kids. The key objectives were performance boosts, usability enhancements, and deeper user insight, not to mention the integration of monetization strategies.

Speed and stability

A deep dive into connection sequences led to marked improvements in both setup speed and system stability.

Device flexibility

The introduction of device-switching functionality further empowered users, making for a more versatile platform.

User behavior analytics

We initiated the collection of metrics such as attendance, teacher-student ratios, and overall platform usage to better understand how our solution was being adopted.

This phase of refinement spanned 3 months, setting the stage for a competitive, appealing, and high-performing solution.

Post-completion, the team shifted into a support role, continually introducing upgrades like enabling teachers to share X (Twitter) posts via the admin panel.

Services & Technologies


Cross-platform development (iOS, Android, and Web platforms)

Backend development

Tech stack










A global success

imagi Edu has rapidly risen to become a key influencer in youth education, boasting international collaborations that span private academies to public education systems. Via the platform we engineered, coding is now an integral part of curricula across these partnerships. Not stopping there, imagi Edu enriches educators with free training and engages industry influencers, all while clinching accolades in international competitions. In summary, imagi Edu is not merely one of many kids coding websites—it's a seismic shift in educational landscapes, redefining coding literacy and molding the future of learning to code.

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