Flutter App Development Services

Well done, Flutter! Everyone is talking about you. This relatively young framework for cross-platform development is indeed very attractive for entrepreneurs seeking to get their apps in a fast, cost-effective way, with no platform limitations. Team up with Flutter app development company Anadea and let’s create applications users will adore.

World’s top-3
cross-platform framework
Up to 50%
in cost savings
1 App —
6 Platforms
62% reduced
time to launch
World’s top-3
cross-platform framework
Up to 50%
in cost savings
1 App —
6 Platforms
62% reduced
time to launch

Why is Flutter so popular?

If you are here, chances are, you know why. But in addition to cost and time reasons, there’s more.


Developing native mobile apps can be costly, especially when hiring separate developers for each platform. Flutter eliminates this issue by allowing developers to build apps for all platforms using a single codebase. Only one Flutter app developer to pay, the math is that simple.

Faster time-to-market

With Flutter, developers can create prototypes and test ideas much quicker than with native app development. This means businesses can get their products to market faster, giving them an opportunity to be the first to answer to market demands.

High-quality user experience

Flutter`s focus on design and user experience ensures that apps developed with the framework look and feel great. The widgets library provides a wide range of pre-built UI components, making it easier to create consistent, high-quality interfaces.

Cross-platform compatibility

Flutter allows businesses to target multiple platforms with a single app, reaching a broader audience and maximizing customer engagement. Whether it`s iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, Linux, or the web, Flutter has got you covered.

Streamlined maintenance

Since Flutter uses a single codebase for all platforms, maintenance becomes simpler and more efficient. Developers can make changes once and apply them across all platforms, reducing the time and effort required for upkeep.

Access to a growing community

Flutter has gained immense popularity in recent years, resulting in a growing and vibrant developer community. Businesses can tap into a wealth of knowledge, resources, and libraries, making it easier to find skilled developers and solve development challenges.

Explore Anadea’s Flutter development services and access these benefits!

See what our team can do for you.

Flutter application development

We develop custom Flutter apps that showcase your brand's unique identity and provide a seamless experience across iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, Linux, and the web. From ideation to deployment, we handle everything – including design, development, testing, and optimization.

UI/UX design

Our team of experienced designers creates intuitive and visually appealing interfaces that align with your brand's aesthetic and enhance the user experience. We use the latest design tools and trends to craft designs that are functional and beautiful.

QA & Code audit

We use a set of packages for testing (mocktail, flutter_test, integration_test, golden_toolkit, bloc_test) and conduct thorough code audits using Flutter Dev tools and manual reviews to identify issues, optimize performance, CPU and network profiling, and analyze code and app size.

App store compliance

We help you navigate the complex app store submission process and ensure that your app complies with all relevant guidelines and regulations. Our experts review your app's content, design, and functionality to ensure that it meets Apple's and Google's standards.

App support and maintenance

Our team provides ongoing support and maintenance for your Flutter app, including bug fixing, security updates, and feature enhancements. We use agile methodologies to quickly respond to changing requirements and deliver regular improvements to your app.

Migration & integration

We specialize in migrating legacy apps to Flutter and integrating third-party APIs and services. Our team has extensive experience in refactoring code, optimizing performance, and ensuring seamless compatibility with various systems and platforms.

Flutter consulting

Our team will share insights and best practices on all aspects of Flutter app development from widget implementation to performance tuning. Go for Flutter consulting advice on optimal technology choices and valuable guidance for your in-house team.

App development from scratch or audit and support of an existing solution?

Contact us today and get a free quote!

Anadea’s Flutter development projects

Pro-Med Mobile Apps

Pro-Med is an eLearning company that helps future medical students prepare for admission tests. The client leveraged Anadea’s Flutter mobile app development services to build iOS and Android apps that offer a variety of study materials, practice questions, and assessment tools.

Pro-Med Mobile App

Sports Social Network

A LinkedIn-like mobile app that allows users to connect with others who share similar interests in sports. The app includes user profiles, chat rooms, event creation, and activity tracking, all designed to foster a sense of community among athletes and sports enthusiasts.

Baseball Fan App

An app developed using Flutter that enables baseball fans to stay up-to-date with the latest news, scores, and statistics from their favorite teams and players. It involves personalized team feeds, live game updates, player profiles, and push notifications.


In a few months, Anadea made the product we were dreaming of, something that can be changed in a way we wanted. It was going well, we had daily meetings, they addressed all issues quickly, and overall, it was a beautiful experience to work with the development team.

Giuseppe Ferrara photo

Giuseppe Ferrara

Co-founder of Pro-Med


We had a great experience and I really enjoyed building a long relationship with the team. We're really happy with the end product, the platform that we’ve built. It’s stable, responsive, and it was a great new experience creating a custom app.

David Argyle photo

David Argyle

CEO at Just Play

Leverage the capabilities of AI with Flutter

Did you know that among other things, Flutter can integrate seamlessly with AI technologies? While Python is often associated with AI development, here are a few reasons why Flutter is a viable alternative.

Ease of integration

A vetted Flutter app development company can integrate AI models into your app with minimal code changes so your AI product truly shines.

Faster development

With Flutter's hot reload feature, you can quickly experiment with different AI models and see the results instantly.

Cross-platform compatibility

Flutter lets you deploy your app on multiple platforms, making it easier to collect data and train your AI model.

Addressing common myths & misconceptions about Flutter

With popularity comes a fair share of myths, so let's set the record straight. Here are some common misconceptions about Flutter and the truth behind them.

Myth #1

Flutter is slow and performs poorly.


Flutter uses its own engine for rendering, which makes it incredibly fast and responsive. Flutter's rendering engine is capable of producing frames at an incredible rate of 120+ fps – only the screen refresh rate is the limit! This means that the differences in loading times between Flutter and native apps are often imperceptible to the human eye, with margins as small as milliseconds.

Myth #2

Flutter doesn't support SEO optimization.


When we talk web apps, it's true that Flutter doesn't support SEO optimization out of the box. However, there are easy workarounds. One popular approach is to create a landing page for your web app, which can be optimized for search engines. Additionally, you can use services like Firebase Dynamic Links or Google Tag Manager to generate custom URLs that can be indexed by search engines. By implementing these workarounds, you can effectively optimize your web app for search engines, debunking the myth that SEO is not possible with Flutter.

Myth #3

Flutter is not suitable for game development.


Flutter may in fact not be the best choice for complex, graphics-intensive games. However, it’s the opposite for apps with just some gamification elements. When it comes to gamification in, say, eLearning apps like Duolingo, Flutter’s Flame microframework is amazing for adding specific elements, providing competitive performance. Still, each case needs to be approached individually – reach out for a consultation to see whether Flutter can cater to your request.

Myth #4

Open-source frameworks like Flutter are not reliable and lack quality.


The open-source nature of Flutter is in reality a significant advantage: not only does it allow developers to contribute to the project and fix bugs quickly, but it also enables the community to address market needs in real-time. This results in faster updates and improvements compared to proprietary frameworks from large companies. We are talking weeks versus months here!

Myth #5

Flutter is not the safest option when it comes to protecting your data.


Many businesses worry about the security of their apps, especially when using a relatively new framework like Flutter. But rest assured, Flutter takes security seriously. Here are a few examples of popular apps built with Flutter:

  • Credit Agricole
  • Nubank
  • eBay
  • Google Ads

These apps and many more have proven that Flutter can provide robust security for sensitive data. With quality Flutter app development services and regular audits, your app will be secure and protected against potential threats.

Myth #1

Flutter is slow and performs poorly.


Flutter uses its own engine for rendering, which makes it incredibly fast and responsive. Flutterʼs rendering engine is capable of producing frames at an incredible rate of 120+ fps – only the screen refresh rate is the limit! This means that the differences in loading times between Flutter and native apps are often imperceptible to the human eye, with margins as small as milliseconds.

Myth #2

Flutter doesnʼt support SEO optimization.


When we talk web apps, itʼs true that Flutter doesnʼt support SEO optimization out of the box. However, there are easy workarounds. One popular approach is to create a landing page for your web app, which can be optimized for search engines. Additionally, you can use services like Firebase Dynamic Links or Google Tag Manager to generate custom URLs that can be indexed by search engines. By implementing these workarounds, you can effectively optimize your web app for search engines, debunking the myth that SEO is not possible with Flutter.

Myth #3

Flutter is not suitable for game development.


Flutter may in fact not be the best choice for complex, graphics-intensive games. However, it’s the opposite for apps with just some gamification elements. When it comes to gamification in, say, eLearning apps like Duolingo, Flutter’s Flame microframework is amazing for adding specific elements, providing competitive performance. Still, each case needs to be approached individually – reach out for a consultation to see whether Flutter can cater to your request.

Myth #4

Open-source frameworks like Flutter are not reliable and lack quality.


The open-source nature of Flutter is in reality a significant advantage: not only does it allow developers to contribute to the project and fix bugs quickly, but it also enables the community to address market needs in real-time. This results in faster updates and improvements compared to proprietary frameworks from large companies. We are talking weeks versus months here!

Myth #5

Flutter is not the safest option when it comes to protecting your data.


Many businesses worry about the security of their apps, especially when using a relatively new framework like Flutter. But rest assured, Flutter takes security seriously.

  • Credit Agricole
  • Nubank
  • eBay
  • Google Ads

These apps and many more have proven that Flutter can provide robust security for sensitive data. With quality Flutter app development services and regular audits, your app will be secure and protected against potential threats.

The conclusion?

When you're about to make a financial leap, like investing in Flutter application development, rely on facts! So skip the myths and let's get down to business.

Proven expertise

One needs to constantly keep up with industry trends and new knowledge to compete, and that’s what our developers do at Anadea. View their most recent certifications – an indication you’re getting top-notch expertise.

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